Lye and soaped floors at the guest cottage
Last week I went up north on my day off to paint the guest rooms and sun room floors white, and to lye and soap treat the rest of the unfinished pine floors. Having experimented with diluted milk paint on the floors in the store, I can confidently say this is the most natural looking white finish I have seen. It looks closer to an unfinished wood than something intentional.
You can see in this photo where the lye floor meets the white painted floor. The strip is from tape and shows the colour of the unfinished pine.
A shot of the floor after the first coat of soap flakes. The soap creates a barrier to stop dirt and oil from penetrating the wood, to clean everything up again you simply have to mop the floor using the soap solution and the dirt and dust is removed and a new membrane of soap is added.
On top of that, it is the most matte finish you could ever ask for, and it also allows dents in floors to rise again.
I also got around to painting the bedroom floors a nice glossy white.
Also the sun room, which has never looked better. We have a really great idea for this room that I think you’re going to really enjoy!
Finally with the help of our plumber we installed the ceramic sink and white faucet which looks amazing against the birch counter.
I also managed to cut a new piece of wood to sit between the counter and the window. It’s starting to come together!