Mistaken Identity

January 12th, 2009

The Real


This candle holder is by Harri Koskinen, a contemporary designer from Finland. We love its sexy curves and the way the tea light appears to float in the air.

The Fake


We found these Pyrex vegetable oil lamps, still in their original 70s box with instructions and couldn’t help but be reminded of Koskinen’s design. They may not be as curvaceous, but we appropriated them anyway for use with tea lights.

The Real


Dresden dolls, according to Wikipedia (as I can barely find any resources due to the band The Dresden Dolls dominating the google search results), were made in Dresden, Germany between 1850 to 1870. One of their features is that they have dresses made of fabric. I once saw a real ballerina styled Dresden doll at the big Goodwill on Adelaide (RIP). It was in one of their auctions so I naively bid $5 and of course lost it. Dresden dolls are hard to come by and tend to be expensive at antique markets.

The Fake


I found this figurine at the Barrie Value Village – at first I thought it was real but the markings on the bottom are wrong, the dress is not fabric (though it is of a delicate nature), and the eyes are ummm, not painted on properly. BUT, it’s still reminicent, so I bought it anyway.

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