Vintage pedestal fireplace find
Well, we’ve been getting a little wedding crazy up in here lately. The initial plan has always been to keep it small, and to hire a chef to create a gourmet dining experience (a la Dill or Alberto K). But when we realized that our initial venue wasn’t going to work out, we looked for a restaurant in the city that could accommodate our wants and needs. At one point I mentioned that the store could be a cool option but Juli wasn’t on board…YET. The other day, our friend Lauren, who is also taking over our Tuesdays in the shop, brought the idea to the surface again and finally Juli got on board (after a last ditch effort of looking at restaurants online–you have to check out all the options before the most obvious can be truly appreciated). Ever since the venue decision has been made, all the pieces are falling into place.
So why are we telling you all this accompanied by photos of a vintage fireplace? Well, we’re picturing a cozy winter wedding, with a long communal table, furs, blankets, Timo Sarpaneva glass candle holders…and wouldn’t a Malm-style fireplace just top it all off?!? I went on Craigslist and lucked out finding a working electric version in great shape (you may be wondering what happened with the white Malm we had at the cottage–sadly we had to return it because it wasn’t up to code in Canada).
Believe it or not the logs are actually real wood with a plastic coal screen and it looks really cool when it’s on. There is also a fan in the flue that gives a good amount of heat without much noise at all.
We plan on spraying it white, and adding an extended flue with a cap to hide the exposed fan and wires. I wouldn’t mind replacing the brass handles on the fireguard, or at least painting them black to blend in.
Beside the wedding, we’re excited to use it in our drafty living room, and then later in the bedroom at the cottage for the cool spring nights.
Now that’s value!