Snow in Toronto

December 20th, 2013


We’ve had an incredible amount of snowfall during the first few days of the week, but of course if you’re in Toronto today you can appreciate the irony of this blog post since it is raining. We can all agree that any city is much more beautiful with a sprinkling of snow so despite all the inconveniences it causes I would take the snow over the slushy winter rain any day.

During this snowfall, there were some really nice moments in our little courtyard. First being the snow falling on the delicate bamboo leaves, which remain a strong green colour.


There are so many paintings with snow on bamboo, it’s just cool to see it in real life.


Also on our bonsai.



The snow creeping up onto the window sill.


Kazumi Tsuji’s “Snow” bowl looking very appropriate.


Elodie’s first real snow experience.

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Our view outside our bedroom to the parking lot behind, luckily with some bamboo making a small privacy screen. If you close the window just right, all you see is bamboo. Very Japanese.

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